Starting February 2024, I’m opening a new tier on Patreon just for writers:

The AuthorShip tier is designed for writers looking for craft resources, support, and a (small but growing) chat community on discord. Patrons at this tier will get a clean, craft-only feed, with access to all writing-related posts (but none of my own fiction).
(If you are interested in my writing, you can find it and all the benefits of AuthorShip membership at the Schooner, Brigantine, and Galleon tiers where I post drafts of my novels, flash fic, and other extras.)
Here’s what AuthorShippers get:
- Monthly, Patreon-exclusive, intensive craft videos
- Monthly craft-of-writing blog posts
- ‘Writer Beware’ posts whenever I get wind of questionable behavior in indie publishing
- Downloadable writing resources (no schedule for creation; made as needed)
- eARCs of any craft of writing books released during your patronage
- Ask Cee & jump the queue! Have a question about craft? Ask on Patreon or discord and get a written or video response*
- Discord chat access to talk craft, chit-chat, or do writing sprints
- Access to the Q&A log; I’ll post copies of questions and answers to Patreon. Many of these will be Patreon-exclusive, but I reserve the right to clip video answers for social media
*Which response format I choose will depend on how I can deliver a clear and efficient answer. If I can’t answer a question for whatever reason, I will let you know. How quickly I answer will depend on my pre-existing obligations; patrons jump ahead of questions asked by TikTok commenters and will be answered in order. Please note that I’m unable to look at excerpts as a general rule; if I decide I need an excerpt in order to answer your question, I will ask for one. Please note that responses will be available for others to see either on Patreon or social media (or both).
Interested? Click on the Patreon logo to check it out: