Welcome to Morning Pages — it’s time for a monthly roundup. I hope you’ve got your pencils sharpened and ready to write. Wanna join in on the fun? Read the prompt, set your timer* and get ready to let the words flow. Feel free to post the results of your work in the comments below where we chat about writing and (if the mood strikes us) get a craft discussion going.
If you want critique from other commenters, use #YESTHANKS in your comment. Otherwise, you can tell us about the flash fic and the process you went through to write it. And of course, I’m always open to hear what you think about my excerpts!
*you can write for as long as you want, but most folks choose 15-30 minutes.

What I learned this month: I’ve been blocked lately. Or, if not blocked, deeply unmotivated to write. Work is partly to blame (it’s crazy right now!). It’s difficult to find energy to be creative when I can barely struggle my way out of bed in the morning. Part of the difficulty I’m having re: writing and getting work done is a result of how hard I find it to get back into the complex pattern of a preexisting story. I have two big projects open right now, and both of them really require that I screw my head on straight before I put my hands to the keyboard. Instead of trying to get myself into those story worlds, however, I motivated myself by trying out a new one (probably the next standalone in the queue after Tombs of Glass).
I’m not in love with it, but getting the opportunity to explore the new world and try to visualize one of the story’s main settings for the first time was fun. It certainly satisfied my need for creative activity — one which has been going sorely unmet of late.
Sometimes I avoid writing in future story-universes because I’m afraid I’ll jinx it, I guess — that I’ll write the most interesting, pivotal, or important scene… and once that’s down on paper, I won’t feel the need to actually go through the process of writing the novel that’s supposed to surround it. Over the past year of so, I’ve become less convinced this would ever happen to me (especially if I love the idea enough), so I’m trying to give myself permission to play in these future worlds even before they’re solidly lodged in my book queue. I’m looking forward to writing more flash fic in this universe in the future!

“We wear wedding rings to denote marital status. How else are partnerships (of any kind!) broadcast through fashion/jewelry/styling in your world?”
“Rings:” Oceana ‘verse. Arden makes a sly statement using local customs.
“Legend has it, an ice queen resides in the north.”
Oceana ‘verse. Siath doesn’t like the way the court talks about House Verhaaren.
“Where do we go when we dream?”
Tal learns the tools of his father’s trade.
“Write about a candlelit procession—for a wedding, a funeral, or a major holiday.”
The winter solstice is a time for special celebrations in the Oceana ‘verse.
“Homecoming + gates + canter.”
Valory from the Oceana ‘verse comes home after his first time traveling abroad.
“Careful. The moon’s gaze is upon you.”
Ryn has a difficult time adjusting to a land without sun.

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Today’s questions:
- Do you do any pre-writing (scenes, flash fics, etc.) before you start a story?
- Are you ever afraid that getting those pivotal scenes down while pre-writing will kill your drive to start/finish the story?
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